Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Liam visits

I went and got Liam on Sunday, December 19th. I took him
back on Wednesday, December 22. Rather, I met Sarah and
Greg each time around Winnie. We were busy the whole time
he was here. We climbed on the trailers. We hid in the horse trailer.
We climbed on the horse trailer. We sat on tractors, lawn mowers, and
4 wheelers. We have lost the key to the 4wheeler, so we can only
sit on it. We fed the animals. We rode in the wagon(rather Liam rode,
I pulled. When Randy was here, he rode on the lawnmower(or as he
calls it...the longmower) and went for a ride in Pawpaw's big truck.
We went to the synchronized light show at the railroad museum in
Dequincy. You put your radio on a certain station and the music is
synchronized to the lights on and around the museum. Liam loved
the Polar Express song the best.

Liam had helped put up the big tree the last time he was
here, but he wanted the lights on first thing every morning.

I always put up a second tree in the kitchen that is snowflakes,
lighthouses, and pointsettias. Liam helped with the snowflakes.

One day while Liam was here, we went to the post office to
mail some Christmas packages, went to the park, and then
had lunch at McDonalds. While we were at the park, a train
came through. Liam, who loves trains, was frightened by
the large, close, real train. He jumped into my arms from the
slide. He said, "Choo Choo scare me. Liam cry". If you look
closely, you can see how close the tracks are. We had a good
time at the park. We went home and both of us took a
two hour nap!

This is Liam with Christine and John Profito. Christine was
Sarah's best friend in high school, a room mate in college, and
is Liam's god mother. They were down from D.C. visiting
her parents here in Fields. When they found out Liam was
here, they had to come see him. Liam was glad to see his,
"Nan" and John. They brought books and M&M's which
made their visit even better!

Hooking up the bushhog to the blue tractor. Liam loves
tractors and combines so that is what he got for Christmas
at the Brooks house;

Waiting for Pawpaw to get the combine out of the box. When
he opened this combine, he said,"Oh my gosh!" If you have
a tractor/combine loving boy....go to Tractor Supply.

I forgot that if you get busy doing something that a toddler
will make their own fun. As was brushing my teeth and
washing my face, Liam found something to do. He took
the papason apart and got in the base. This was after
he locked the door to the toilet, then closed it. It took
2 days to finally get it open.

Sarah, Greg, and Liam are moving to Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Greg will go up the end of January. Sarah and babies will go
up sometime in March. I am trying to savor all the time I
can with them. The new baby will be here any day. I will
try to spend as much time as possible with her before they
leave. I wish I could retire and become a professional
Nana...traveling between all the babies all the time.

Sweet Students

When the 1st bell rang at 3:03 on Friday, December 17, I
was literally pushing students out the door. I was ready
for the Christmas break. As I turned back into my classroom
and surveyed the damage from the class party, I saw that my
desk top was ultimately covered with gifts from my
students. They had all insisted I open them that morning.
I received a variety of gifts ranging from home made goodies
to candles to mugs and socks. One student knowing that
Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author, gave me the
newest book. I already have it, but there was a gift
receipt inside. One student brought me two gifts. One the
day before party day and one the day of. The first gift
was priceless...her own books(her name was in them). Teachers
are always getting gifts that are like that, students personal
items. I have received slightly stained stuffed animals. I
know a teacher who got a partially used tea bag. It comes
from their hearts and it is priceless.

My array of students gifts for 2010. 5th graders still have
enough innocence to give you gifts. I love them....students
and gifts!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Getting Ready for Christmas

A few weekends ago, Sarah and Liam came over for her last
visit before the baby is born. We had a full weekend of
activities that included going to Sha Sha's with my sister
Carla, nephew Nick, and niece Skylar.

We also went to a Christmas parade in my home town
of Starks. Liam enjoyed it very much, leaving with a
sack full of candy.

The last thing we did was to go to the Christmas train in
Dequincy. It was wonderful and I highly recommend this
activity that is free of charge.

A visit to Sha Sha's was part of the fun.

Waiting on the parade to start

Volunteer fire department of Starks.

Nothing like a small, home town parade.

First stop on the Christmas train..Santa! Although he looks scared
in this picture, Liam was more in awe of the big guy.

On board the Christmas train...there was lots of Christmas
and lots of trains!

The Kansas City Southern Christmas Train

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Sarah and Greg won the sauce contest. Don't
you love the crown?

Liam loves all machines, but tractors are one of his favorites.

My sweet bundles of joy.


Barefoot, pregnant, and roasting wieners.

Is that just not the sweetest thing?

All my children were home for Thanksgiving. We had not all been together in our home since Easter, I think. Then, we did not have Alia who was born in September. By Thursday evening, everyone was here. Friday we roasted hot dogs in the fireplace for lunch. Sarah fixed roasted tomato soup for supper. I made bread in the bread maker. Saturday, we took Liam to the Christmas tree farm in Grant. Feeding goats and riding in a hay wagon behind a tractor were Liam's favorite activities. I found the trees to be a little pricey and the wait in line to pay for one and pick it up was very long so we did not get a tree. Saturday evening, my sister hosted a "Paula Deen" party. Most of the recipes were Paula's. My sister did most of the cooking. The rest of of us provided desserts and sauces. The sauces were for the chicken strips and there was a prize for the best sauce. I know I have eaten a lot of junk in the past week, but the sweetest part of the week was my children and grandchildren.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nicholas Sparks

Yes, he is that handsome, but I could see the gentleness
of his soul. No wonder he writes such wonderful stories.

My Nicholas Sparks collection

This is the book I brought to be signed.

Handsome man, gentle soul, and great handwriting!

While I was standing in line, someone offered me the bag.

If you did not know, I am a hopeless romantic. I mean, Gone With the Wind is my favorite book and movie of all time. I know, Scarlett married her sister's man and she pined for another man while married to 3 other men. Scarlett was also a survivor. You have to admire that, and who has not dreamed of wearing a hoop skirt?

Anyway, I say all this to say that my favorite modern day author is Nicholas Sparks. You know, he wrote The Notebook, Message in a Bottle, Dear John, and The Last Song just to name few. I have been reading his books since The Notebook came out about 14 years ago. This man seems to be able to write the way a woman feels. He has a new book out every September which also is the month of my birthday. I have been celebrating my birthday with him for many years. His books make me cry and smile. There is always tragedy, but there is always triump with love and romance winning every time...well most of the time. Sometimes the tragedy wins, but isn't that how real life goes?

My wonderful daughter found out that he was going to be speaking at a fund raiser for The John Cooper School in The Woodlands. There would be a luncheon and then his talk. It was going to be at The Marriott in The Woodlands which is where my son-in-law, Greg, works. Sarah gave ths information to her dad, and made it happen for me. The way I found out was not really romantic, but I appreciate the effort. I got an email saying that,"Sarah thought I would like this". Attached was the receipt for the ticket to the event. I appreciate the thought.

Friday, November 12, was the date of the event. I was off for Veteran's Day on Thursday and took off that Friday. I got to spend some time with Sarah and Liam before and after the event. On a hopeful whim, I grabbed one of my books in case there would be opportunity for me to get it signed. My very favorite book of his is The Notebook, but someone in my family lent it to a friend and they never gave it back. I would have liked for him to signed that one. I mean I had a hardback copy, not the movie version paper back. Anyway, I chose The Bend in the Road. The main female character in it is a school teacher, so I relate to her in some way.

My hopeful whim turned into reality for he agreed to sign books until he had to leave to catch a plane at 3:30. I did not even have to wait in line that long, maybe 30 minutes. Not only did he sign my book, but we had a brief conversation. He told the woman in front of me that he like to support any young athletic team. and said, "so go _________, some team name. I could not help myself and said, "Go LSU Tigers. He thought I said FSU and tigers, and said that he knew Clemson was playiing FSU this weekend. There was not time to explain the confusion, and I could not bear to correct Nicholas Sparks. His eyes were sparkling and full of life. I had just heard him speak about where the ideas for his books came from and about his learning disabled child. I had never heard his voice before, but it was every bit as kind and gentle as the characters in his books. He is a warm, gentle soul with a talent for expressing what we all(especially women) feel inside.

There was even someone there to take your picture. All I had was my phone camera, but it did a pretty good job. I was too busy talking saying Go Tigers, and did not turn toward the camera. The picture of him is great though, and that is my book he is signing. I am grateful for the opportunity to meet one of my favorite authors and hear him speak. I am grateful to my family for giving me this opportunity. The lunch was fabulous, his talk intriguing, and I now have Nicholas Sparks' signature in one of his books. It was a good day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Alia Comes to Fields

Jacob and Alesha came home and of course, brought Alia
with them. She is so sweet.

Paw Paw met her.

Maw Maw met her 2nd great grand child.

Nothing is more healing to me right now than holding that
little girl.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

That boy does love a tractor!

Liam stayed his first weekend here without his mom and dad.
He sat on every tractor. We played chase around every
tractor. He actually rode tractors and PawPaw's "big
truck". We fed the animals and watered flowers. It was a
great weekend, and he was fine. The first thing he said when
he saw his mom was....NO! I love you little man. I can't
wait for you to come back.

A guy gets really thirsty and has to drink his water out of
a "mater" bottle.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Heaven Sent

Is there anything more pure than a new born? The picture
above is of my son Jacob and our newest grand daughter, Alia.
I have loved her since I found out she was coming, but to
finally lay eyes on her...well, that sealed the deal.

In the picture above, she had been in this world about 4 hours.
I noticed she had her eyes open so I took the picture. I wish
I would have captured the look on Jacob's face too. She just
seems to be thinking...so you're my daddy.

When I held her for the first time, I thought to myself I was
holding the cleanest, purest thing on Earth. I somehow felt
unworthy to do so. As I was thinking that, she opened up
her eyes and I felt like I was looking into the eyes of a
heavenly being....such innocence, so clean and pure. I am
so grateful for this new little life and the purity she brings.
I hope I can live up to her expectations.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Satellite Farm

A view of all three members of our farm.

My Internet savior...it looks like a spy device or laser gun.

The new dish that allows us to have local channels.

Living rurally, as we do, there are advantages and disadvantages. One disadvantage is not having decent Internet service. We had dial up. That reached the point where you could barely check your email. We then got a Sprint air card. That seemed so much better than the dial up that we were happy for a while. When we heard that the newest tower out this way was ATT, we decided to switch our phone/Internet service to them. It was great for while, much better than Sprint. I mean, watching Youtube was an exercise in patience. You would have to wait 10 minutes or more to watch a 3 minute clip. Having 3 bars of service was cause for celebration.

If you are friend of mine on Facebook, you are acquainted with my Internet troubles this summer trying to take a class. Not having taken a college class in about 16 years, I was introduced to Blackboard. Everything is done through Blackboard: assignments, messages, grades, and anything related to the class such as articles to be read, discussed, and wrote about. I knew this through my children, but I was personally introduced to the this modern concept this summer. On about my second day of class, ATT decided to go nuts on me. It first started out with spotty service, and then went to no service what so ever. I spent a total of at least 10 hours on the phone trying to find out the problem. I was told anything from they were integrating towers to they did not know what the problem was. I was reduced to stopping at my local McDonalds to use the free Wifi. After several weeks of that craziness, we decided to just bite the bullet and take a step toward 2010. We got Hughesnet! For $10 less per month than we were paying for the ATT aircard, we now have wireless Internet service via Hughesnet satellite. I can blog, Google, Facebook, read the newspaper, and watch grandchildren videos from anywhere in the house. Up to six computers can take advantage of this modern technology. I am happy with Hughesnet.

We started out with the least package you can get. When I told the guy what we use the Internet for, he told me that package would work for us. It does, except when Daniel comes home and tries to download a movie(this aint Baton Rouge). Through the fair usage act, you are only allotted so much usage per day. If you go over, the service slows down to a crawl. Daniel was unaware of this and tried to download a movie. I called the automated service number and learned that you get one free service restore a month. Within minutes we were back in business and I did not talk to a human being, just a series of me punching phone button and hearing weird beeps and noises on the other end. Modern technology never ceases to amaze me.

To continue our voyage into the modern world of technology, Randy decided to take advantage of Dishnetwork's many offers of free HD for life and free local channels. This is a complicated story in itself. We did not have local channels through Dishnetwork. Randy's brother told us to tell them we used the satellite at a camp up at Toledo and we could get local channels there. I mean we paid for the service. We had local channels...out of Shreveport! We could watch LSU football though and we were happy. Although our TV is HD capable, we did not have the box for that because they wanted to bring it to the camp. When Dish offered local channels a couple of months ago, we took them up on the offer. We no longer have service " at the camp". We do have local channels here though. It is so great to watch Channel 7 news! As far as the HD, I honestly do not see a big difference, except now we have a new satellite receiver and remote.

Now the reason for my devoting a blog entry to this subject. We now look like a satellite farm here at 316 Bruce Hyatt Road. The Hughesnet is a much bigger dish than the TV dish. It is also pole mounted, as it would not be hurricane friendly. The new TV Dishnetwork dish had to be pointed at the southeast sky rather than the southwest sky, so it was pole mounted as well. Our old Dishnetwork dish is mounted on the side of the house. We were told to leave the old dish on the house to make sure the new one was going to work properly. We do not have any problems, so hopefully we will get the old one down before long......Randy?

So, if you drive up to our house and feel like you have just stepped onto a military installation, feel at ease you are welcome here. We can search the Internet, watch John Bridges on Channel 7, and watch anything in HD. Our next moves into modern technology is possibly dropping our land line and I am also thinking about Skyping....too many grand babies to keep up with!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Take me there.......................

When Randy and I went to Alaska two years ago, he took the above picture of me. When we first talked of going on a cruise, I pictured myself doing just that. We were in Glacier Bay. It was cold. I am wearing my coat, gloves, a blanket, and if you look closely there is a cup of hot chocolate next to me. I had several cups a day. I would lay back and just watch the scenery go by. It was like looking at a painting or a jig saw puzzle. I really felt at peace.

Reality check....I am back at work. I have 30 students. I am on my feet all day and wearing shoes(comfortable shoes, but still shoes). The first couple of week are exhausting. I come home and collapse every day. There are evenings that I imagine myself back on that boat with my cup of hot chocolate.

Good news....a fifth 5th grade teacher was hired today. I will only have 24 students on Monday. We have not had enough books for the current number of students so it has been a week of trying to make a routine out of no routine. Also, we were 99% sure we were getting the new teacher, so we did not want to move too far ahead. The extra books arrived today, so Monday we will hit them hard. The next obstacle is stopping all the chattering these 5th graders want to do.

Still I know there will be days when I wish I were back on the Coral Princess floating my cares away.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Baby Quilts and Baby Blankets

When I was pregnant with my oldest child, Jacob, I embroidered
blocks and made a quilt. It took most of the pregnancy. I really
just slept and sewed through that pregnancy. As I was making
that quilt I told myself that one day that baby would give the
quilt to its baby. The circle of life has turned and that baby will
have a baby girl in October. Yesterday, I went to the shower
and brought the precious quilt. Jacob seemed to be very pleased
when he realized it was his. I brought him home from the
hospital in that quilt.

Jacob's quilt. I worked many hours on it.

Close up of one of the blocks

Two years later, I was expecting another child. With a two
year old to take care of, I just did not have the time to make
as elaborate of a quilt for the new baby. We did not know
what the baby was going to be. A friend had given my some
Pooh curtains and bedding. I used some of the curtains to make
a small little quilt for baby number 2. It ended up being smaller
than I planned and was used as a tummy quilt most of the time.
Sorry Sarah!

Baby number 3, Daniel was a summer baby(July). Not only
did I not have enough time to make a nicer quilt, the thought
of a quilt seem so hot. I made him a seersucker receiving
blanket. I did take him from the hospital in that blanket, and
he looked quite cute in it!

Ten years ago my sister was pregnant with my niece, Skylar.
We were all excited about the coming little girl. I decided to
make her a quilt. Well, I was working and chauffeuring children
night and day. I had good intentions, but just did not finish
the quilt top. I was very close. Randy's daughter Jade, had
Morgan a month later so I thought I would finish it for her...
I did not. I just have had it stored away. I took it out the other
day and realized that only the border needs finishing before
attaching he back and quilting it. I am not sure if Sarah's
new baby(we found out today it is a girl) will get this quilt
or if I will make her a more specific one. The clock is ticking
on that decision.

Close up of the unfinished quilt

When we found out Sarah was pregnant with Liam, I went
to work on a quilt. I began cross stitching within weeks. I
worked all through the fall and winter on that thing. I can
remember watching American Idol and stitching. I also remember
Sarah calling and saying,"what are you doing?" and I would say
"nothing". I surprised her with the quilt just a couple of weeks
before Liam was born. She has it hung on his bedroom wall.

I like doing handwork like that. It is soothing in a way.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Old Time Religion

My Aunt Edna died this pass weekend. She was 78, and had been sick for a while. She is my Daddy's brother Weldon's wife. Uncle Weldon died 3 years ago. Monday was the wake. Like most wakes(ones I go to anyway) it was full of laughter, hugs, talk of memories, and seeing friends and relatives you have not seen in a while and probably will not see until the next death. That is sad, but true. The funeral was today. I smiled through most of the funeral. I must explain myself at this point.

Most of my mom and dad's family are Pentecostal. I was raised going to Sunday School at a Pentecostal Church. I was even dedicated in that church. That means that as a baby I was "given" to the Lord. I never was baptized in that church, but my early childhood, teenage years, and young adulthood was spent in Sunday school at that church. My basic biblical knowledge was learned in classes taught by the sweetest Pentecostal ladies and men you could imagine. Randy and I attended a Pentecostal church in Lake Charles sometimes when we dated and when we lived there the first year of our marriage. His family is also full of many Pentecostals. In fact I was sitting in a Pentecostal church when I decided to name my first child Jacob. The lesson was on Jacob and Esau. I was trying to decide between Jacob and Jared.

The funeral today was very Pentecostal, complete with old time gospel music, people praying out loud, clapping, and shouting. It had been so long since I was around that. It brought back memories of wonderful people, relatives and non relatives. First of all some grandchildren sang a song. In fact 3 grand daughters sang, 1 played the piano and sang, and a great grand son played the drums on the number. They all have rich, full Pentecostal voices that are you can tell are use to singing, shouting, and praying regularly. I did not inherit any of this musical talent!

Then some ladies of the church sang a song that they said Aunt Edna had requested..."Good Bye World Good Bye". It was rocking! Note to my family: When I leave this world, send me out at one point to a song like that. It was truly a home-going service. I think Aunt Edna's spirit was there clapping and singing with everyone else. The preacher asked everyone to grab a hymnal and sing , "Heaven's Jubilee". I did not have my glasses, so I could not see the words but when they got to the chorus I remembered the words from my childhood. Maybe that was part of the reason for my smiling. It is also a thumping, southern gospel song.

I have been thinking of all my Pentecostal relatives and two great aunts came to mind...Daddy's Aunt Ethel and Aunt Carmel. They would try to out do each other at church. If one stood up to testify, then the other soon followed with a louder and longer testimony. If one spoke in tongues, the other soon followed. I witnessed this many times. My aunt was saying last night that Aunt Ethel, Aunt Carmel, and my grandma use to try to out do each other at funerals. They would faint and fall out. Aunt Billie Faye told me she finally told my grandma that if she did that again, she would not help her up off the floor. She said she never did it again!

I really believe the Spirit was in that Pentecostal church today. I told my cousins that I really enjoyed the service, and felt like I had been to church. God is alive. He dwells everywhere, especially where so many gather with one purpose. I know some will argue that it is wrong to be so loud in a house of worship, but I think God smiled today. I think Jesus smiled today. I think Aunt Edna, my grandparents, and all those sweet Pentecostal Sunday school teachers who fed me cookies and bible verses smiled today. I know I smiled today with pure joy.

I dug through some photos I had scanned(we have hundreds
of slides I am scanning) looking for a picture of Aunt Edna.
The best I could come up with is the one above. It was taken
at my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary. My mom is
the one in the navy blue suit. Aunt Edna is the one whose
face is partially hidden by my mom. That is Uncle Weldon
next to her. My grandparents sit in the chairs. My aunts
and uncles and my dad are behind them. I think the
little ones are various great grand children. I chose this picture
for it shows my Pentecostal aunts. There are 11 adults in this
picture, 6 have since passed on.

I found this picture of my grandpa and I. Was I young or what?

I found the lyrics to the two songs I mentioned above. I pasted them below. Go to Youtube and find them. Be sure and pick one that is southern gospel with a banging piano and thumping drums.

Good Bye World Good Bye

I've told all my troubles goodbye,
Goodbye to each tear and each sigh.
This world where I roam cannot be my home,
I'm bound for that home in the sky.
I walk and I talk with my Lord,
I feast every day on His word,
Heaven is near and I can't stay here
Goodbye world, goodbye.

I won't have the blues anymore
When I step across to that shore.
And I'll never pine for I'll leave behind
My heartaches and cares ever more.
A day maybe two then goodbye,
Goodbye to each sorrow and sigh.
Heaven is near and I can't stay here,
Goodbye world, goodbye.

Now don't you weep for me when I'm gone
For I won't have to leave here alone.
And when I hear that last trumpet sound
My feet won't stay on the ground.
I'm gonna rise with a shout, gonna fly,
Gonna rise with my Lord in the sky.
Heaven is near and I can't stay here,
Goodbye world, goodbye

Some glad morning we shall see, Jesus in the air
Coming after you and me, joy is ours to share
What rejoicing there will be, when the saints shall rise
Headed for that jubilee, yonder in the skies


Oh what singing, oh what shouting
On that happy morning when we all shall rise
Oh what glory, Hallelujah
When we meet our blessed Savior in the skies

Seems that now I almost see, all the sainted dead
Rising for that jubilee, that is just ahead
In the twinkling of an eye, changed with them to be
All the living saints to fly, to that jubilee.

Oh what singing, oh what shouting
On that happy morning when we all shall rise

Please excuse the long post. I just had so many memories stirred today.