Chimney Rock a couple of days before I left. I was watching
the movie,"The Last of the Mohicans" and was curious as to
where it was filmed. Imagine my delight when I found out
it was right in the area I was going to be staying. I stayed
in a small town named Maggie Valley, North Carolina. Chimney
Rock State Park was less than an hour away. I got up the
next morning, prepared my little ice chest, and grabbed
my back pack. Remember, I had thrown my
hiking boots into my car.
This is Chimney Rock. It was my goal of the day. There
are 500 steps leading up to it. I just took my time, and
rested frequently at platforms.
After you climb Chimney Rock, you can go on up above. I
had all day, plenty of water, and food.
This is a rock called Devil's Head. If you look closely, you
can see the resemblance.
This is looking across the other direction. It is called The
Opera Box. It was one of the coolest places I have ever
been to.
This young man works for the park system. He said he could
see everywhere up there, it was cool, and his cell phone
worked up there. I told him he had the best job on the
I could have sat there all day. There was not much room for
sitting, and people were waiting to get in there. I visited it
on the way up and down.
Just another rock shelter.
When I learned that part of The Last of Mohicans was filmed
at Chimney Rock State park. The last 17 minutes in fact.
If you know the movie, one of the most dramatic moments
is when the son of the older Indian is killed and pushed off
a water fall. The younger British sister then jumps off
as well. I wanted to see those falls. The picture above
is the stairs leading down to the trail to the falls. Down is
a key word. My knees did not like going down. Once I got down
the stairs, the trail is rather mild going to the falls. It began
to rain, but I thought it was just a short shower...........
WRONG!!! It was a deluge. I was soaked from head to toes.
I had gotten so hot going up to Chimney Rock and above.
My head was already wet from the sweat. The rain
felt so cooling at first. As it ran into my eyes, it burned.
After a while the rain rinsed my hair clean. I was so wet,
even my shoes were over flowing. When I got to the
falls I sat at a picnic table. That is when I remembered
my phone. I put my pack under the table and took
out the phone. The screen was already clouded up. I
thought it would dry out. WRONG AGAIN!!! I put it in a
ziplock with some cheese I had. My camera was still
working, thus I did get these pictures.
If you look closely, you an see the platform at the falls
was a torrent. The steps leading to that were mini
water falls. I am suprised I made it without falling.
The picture does not do it justice.
Remember the scene with the body sliding down the
mountain side?
My visit to Chimney Rock turned out to be one of my
favorite things I have ever done. I was not done yet,
though. The Great Smokys held much more for me.